[sc_Horizontalteaser title=»We Care for our Work!» text=»Vivamus vestibulum neque quis nunc convallis venenatis. Nulla tristique lorem sit amet ipsum ornare sit amet feugiat nulla condimentum. Sed faucibus volutpat nunc, at ullamcorper augue elementum id. Quisque at lectus leo, nec placerat mi. Curabitur egestas eleifend interdum. Suspendisse potenti. Suspendisse nec risus. Curabitur egestas eleifend interdum. Suspendisse potenti. Suspendisse nec risus. Vivamus vestibulum neque quis nunc convallis venenatis. Nulla tristique lorem sit amet ipsum ornare sit amet feugiat nulla condimentum.» text_width=»4″ textposition=»left» media_type=»video» video_link=»http://player.vimeo.com/video/71409522?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0″ default_offset=»0.5″ orientation=»horizontal»]Our team strives to achieve excellence in every aspect of the production process, from the preliminary hand-drawn sketches to the aftersales support. We carefully design our themes to be easy and flexible while making sure that most FAQ of our customers can be answered by our detailed documentation.
We focus on using the latest web standards and practices regarding UX guidelines and WordPress theme development and strongly encourage our customers to follow us on this. The use of a child theme and the plugin-based development of ©Plethora Framework ensure hassle-free updates and peace of mind.[/sc_Horizontalteaser]
[sc_calltoaction title=»Z2l2ZSUyMHlvdXIlMjAlM0NzdHJvbmclM0VjcmVhdGl2ZSUzQyUyRnN0cm9uZyUzRSUyMGlkZWFzJTIwYSUyMGJvb3N0″ subtitle=»Mouse over our team photos to see a cool effect!» button=»0″ button_text=»Buy this theme!» icon_image=»85″ button_link=»Buy this theme!» button_class=»btn-primary» button_size=»btn»]GIVE YOUR CREATIVE IDEAS A BOOST[/sc_calltoaction]
[sc_teamgrid columns=»4″ members=»97,94,91,88″ orderby=»title» order=»ASC» show_photo=»1″ photo_effect=»1″ show_profession=»1″ show_desc=»1″ show_social=»1″]